Student Leadership

At Bristnall Hall Academy, students have a platform to make change and lots of opportunities to develop and practise their leadership skills. The school’s student leadership programme supports them to develop our core values, such as being articulate, creative and adventurous, so that they can become successful role models for the wider school community.

Student Leadership Model

Year 11 Leadership Team

In Year 11, Bristnall Hall Academy has two Head students and two Deputy Head students, as well as a team of prefects. Each year, these students undergo an application and interview process. Some of their key responsibilities include:

  • Key roles in school events such as Open Morning, Macmillan Coffee Morning and our annual Christmas Concert
  • To lead and support school visits
  • Break and lunch duties
  • Being role models for the wider school community
  • To feedback student voice to SLT

Wider Student Leadership Team

In Year 7 – 11, we have at least one form representative for each form group. Aspiring form representatives are required to write and present a short speech to their form group and then voted into their position. Some of their key responsibilities include:

  • Supporting with the planning and delivering of assemblies
  • Supporting with the planning and organisation of key events in school such as Anti-Bullying Week
  • To lead ad support school visits
  • Being role models for the wider school community
  • To feedback student voice to SLT
  • At KS3, to support achievement coordinators with line-up during stand-up assemblies

Within our Student Leadership Team, we also have a range of focus groups who meet with SLT to make wider change in an area about which they are passionate. These include:

  • Anti-bullying Ambassadors
  • Mental Health Ambassadors
  • Safeguarding Ambassadors
  • Personal Development Ambassadors
  • Social Media Ambassadors
  • Curriculum Ambassadors

Other Student Leadership Opportunities

  • Subject Ambassadors
  • Library Monitors

SSAT Student Leadership Accreditation

All of our student leaders from Year 7 – 11 have the opportunity to achieve the SSAT Student Leadership Accreditation. Students are supported to build a portfolio of evidence to contribute towards key leadership skills. For each skill, students can achieve bronze, silver or gold levels. This is a very prestigious award and these are presented at the end of the academic year.

  1. Commitment
  2. Organisation and planning
  3. Communication
  4. Being accountable
  5. Being a role model
  6. Using my skills to help others
  7. Understanding my community
  8. Team working
  9. Presenting
  10. Reflection

Student Pack Leadership Accreditation