Pupil Premium is funding that the academy receives directly from central government. This funding is to be used by schools in a variety of ways to raise achievement levels for identified students from the most economically disadvantaged backgrounds by addressing underlying inequalities.

The aim of Pupil Premium is to diminish the difference between the attainment and progress of the identified students and all other students nationally.

Bristnall Hall Academy has been successful in recent years in diminishing the difference between the performance of Pupil Premium students and others. Our strategy for spending is reviewed termly but we continue to use those strategies that have clear measured impact, hence several strategies adopted this year are those that had most impact in the previous academic year.

PP Strategy 2024 2025

Bristnall Hall Academy- Pupil Premium vision statement

Our vision for Pupil Premium is to ensure that students from disadvantaged backgrounds are able to access an enriching curriculum, achieve and attain excellence, as well as having ambitious aspirations throughout their education and beyond.

We have an unrelenting ambition to tackle and overcome the barriers and obstacles faced by students from low income families, by creatively utilising Pupil Premium to ensure that we focus on:

  • Providing students with an extensive network of support to ensure that they are attending everyday;
  • Offer a rich and engaging school experience in which students are willing partners in, and leaders of their own learning;
  • A curriculum that opens up doors as opposed to closing them;
  • A curriculum that enables all students to stand out nationally through enhanced academic and extra-curricular opportunities;
  • A curriculum that promotes the highest standards for all our learners;
  • A curriculum that equips learners with the necessary life skills and values to become confident and responsible citizens who have the reliance to flourish in the face of adversity;
  • Every disadvantaged learner, through engagement with external partners, has an annual experience that is financially out of their reach;
  • Provide every child with an inspiring, rich extracurricular experience that is accessible by all;
  • That learners see success as achievable, where they do not use “because” in an attempt to explain underperformance but rather “despite” when considering the barriers they have overcome in order to be successful.

We focus on these areas of spending as the main barriers to the achievement of disadvantaged students are:

  • Poor attendance leading to low achievement
  • Weak literacy and numeracy skills leading to under achievement
  • Low starting points from Key Stage 2 making it more challenging for Pupil Premium students to diminish the difference with other students nationally
  • Lack of enrichment activities to inspire them, including residentials
  • No access to 1 to 1 or small group tutoring to work on diagnosed weaknesses in subjects
  • Poor quality teaching in large teaching groups
  • Social, emotional, mental health issues impacting on levels of progress and well being

Please follow these links to reports on how pupil premium was spent in previous years and its impact.

PP Strategy 2023 2024