Our SENDCo is: Miss Nicola Wilkinson
Our Assistant SENDCo is: Miss Debra Jones
Please contact the academy office if you have any questions for our SEND team.
Our SENDCo is: Miss Nicola Wilkinson
Our Assistant SENDCo is: Miss Debra Jones
Please contact the academy office if you have any questions for our SEND team.
Bristnall Hall Academy aims to provide every pupil with the best education possible. We promote a fundamental belief in equality of opportunity in the classroom and throughout The Trust.
See our Trust’s Equalities Policy.
All pupils are fully included into the life and curriculum of our academy communities. Reasonable adjustments are made so that this can be achieved.
Please click here to see our trust SEND and Safeguarding Policies
Bristnall Hall Academy Accessibility Plan 24-25
To see information on Sandwell MBCs Local Offer please click here