Our BHA Values

At Bristnall Hall Academy, we have six core values that all stakeholders internalise and showcase on a day-to-day basis. These values permeate our academy as we encourage all students to demonstrate and uphold them at all times, using the following criteria to underpin this. Students are rewarded explicitly for these six values via ClassCharts.

British Values

Our academy aims to prepare students for life in Modern Britain. We promote fundamental British values by teaching about democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs in a well-designed curriculum. We seek to uphold British values by embedding our culture of tolerance and respect through open discussion and a culture of integration and understanding.

We have done this by:

  • Delivering a message of togetherness repeatedly to our young people
  • Delivering a strong Religious Studies curriculum
  • Maintaining our strong PSHE curriculum
  • Developing a respect for democracy through elections for our Student Leadership Team, and our Head Boys and Girls
  • Ensuring that all students and staff receive E-Safety sessions
  • Providing prayer facilities for students when requested
  • Providing high quality of care for staff, students and visitors with the appropriate training for all of our staff
  • Developing our public speaking and debating offer throughout the year.
  • Responding appropriately to national and international events to ensure that all groups of students and staff at the academy are supported

Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Development (SMSC)

We know that the personal development of our students, spiritually, morally, socially and culturally, is key to their success. We have carefully considered the students’ opportunity to explore spiritual, moral, social and cultural issues throughout their core curriculum and enrichment opportunities.

Our students have the opportunity to explore and develop:

  • Their own values and beliefs
  • Their own spiritual awareness
  • Their own social and cultural traditions
  • An understanding of and acceptance of diversity within and beyond their community
  • An understanding of democracy and law
  • An understanding of their personal behaviour and morals
  • Cultural experiences through the curriculum and beyond
  • Communication and teamwork skills