Bristnall Hall Academy celebrates another outstanding set of GCSE Results 

Students, staff and governors at Bristnall Hall Academy (BHA) are celebrating our GCSE achievements as once again we are one of the top academies, not only in Sandwell, but across the whole of England. GCSE results revealed this summer show that Bristnall Hall Academy’s 2022/2023 Year 11 cohort have made outstanding progress across all subjects.

Despite results nationally being brought back in line with those in 2019, our results demonstrate further improvement on our 2019 results and once again reinforce Bristnall Hall Academy’s outstanding performance. Attainment of the highest grades was particularly impressive, with many pupils achieving Grade 9 and Grade 8 passes in English, Mathematics and other EBacc subjects. As an ‘SSAT Leading Edge’ school, Bristnall Hall Academy has successfully helped to ensure that students have been highly successful in their studies, regardless of background or ability, making exceptional progress as a result. The attainment and progress of students in every category, including the core subjects of English, Mathematics, and Science, shows that students of all abilities are making transformational progress.

Louisa Pritchard, Principal of Bristnall Hall Academy: “I am delighted to see another amazing set of GCSE results at Bristnall Hall Academy and proud that our young people have been awarded the grades that they deserve and reflect their dedication throughout their time at Bristnall Hall Academy. This is testament to their hard work, and to the dedication of the outstanding team of staff who work here. Students from our academy have achieved another excellent set of results and this success sustains high performance at our academy. These outstanding results will enable our students to access exciting opportunities and continue on their transformational journeys in further education, training and employment within our local region and beyond. This GCSE results day allows us to celebrate the ongoing commitment of our students, families, staff and governors, all of which has ultimately allowed BHA to deliver a quality of education we can all be proud of. It is clearly evident that Bristnall Hall Academy is a beacon of excellence and leading the way in Sandwell and the Black Country, and we remain committed to continuously deliver outstanding educational provision and outcomes for the young people of Sandwell and beyond.”

Amongst the numerous Bristnall Hall Academy students who are celebrating their success are Julia, Sky, Manpreet, Nima, Doris, Simarpreet and Ishmeet. These students achieved numerous top grades, positioning them amongst the top performing students nationally.

Bristnall Hall Academy has proven to be an exceptional institute for students to learn and develop in. We wish all of our young people best wishes as they embark on the next stage of their transformational journey beyond the gates of Bristnall Hall.


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Headline Measures  – Results Summer 2023

Progress 8 + 0.57
Attainment 8 44.37
English element 9.72
Maths element 7.68
EBacc element 13.14
Open element 13.82

Basics (% 9-4)

English Lang and Lit 76%
Maths 57%
Basics (English & Maths) 54%

Basics (% 9-5)

English 59%
Maths 36%
Basics (English & Maths) 33%


% Pupils achieving grade 9-4 93%
% Pupils achieving grade 9-5 82%

Headline Measures – 3 Year Trend

Progress 8 2018/19 2021/22  2022/23
+ 0.43 + 0.83  + 0.57


2018/19 2021/22 2022/23
Attainment 8 45.97 48.92 44.37
English element 8.77 10.72 9.72
Maths element 7.68 8.43 7.68
Ebacc element 11.80 14.49 13.14
Open element 15.03 15.26 13.82

Basics (% 9-4)

2018/19 2021/22 2022/23
English 74% 79% 76%
Maths 64% 66% 57%
Basics (English & Maths) 59% 64% 54%

Basics (% 9-5)

2018/19 2021/22 2022/23
English 55% 66% 59%
Maths 47% 47% 36%
Basics (English & Maths) 37% 43% 33%


Percentage of students entered for EBacc 54%
Percentage of students achieving grade 4+ across the EBacc suite of subjects 39%


This data is for pupils who completed key stage 4 in 2021, which is the most recent data available. You can compare the pupils’ destinations with those of pupils at state-funded schools at local authority and national level.

Percentage of students who either stayed in education or went into employment after year 11 89%